miss isle and fearless

Isle of Wight inspiration, Natasha Lambert, completes latest gruelling challenge

Alasdair shares this latest update from the inspirational Natasha Lambert.

Disabled Cowes adventurer Natasha Lambert, 20, has despite appalling weather conditions completed her latest Sea and Summit Expedition.

Natasha who has quadraplegic Cerebral Palsy controls her 21ft sailboat simply by breathing through a straw and walks using a customised walking brace and frame.

Sea and Summit challenge
The 2017 Sea and Summit challenge saw Natasha sail her boat ‘Miss Isle’ across the North Channel of the Irish Sea from Portpatrick in Scotland to Carrick Fergus, Belfast, continuing down the East Coast of Ireland, encountering strong winds and torrential rain, finally sailing into Dublin, where she exchanged her boat for her walking aid and climbed five miles to the summit of Mount Kippure, in the Wicklow Mountains, Ireland, which was swathed in mist and clouds.

natasha lambert - summit challenge

Along the way Natasha exhibited her boat to several sailing groups and yacht clubs demonstrating the technology she uses to achieve these amazing feats.

Great courage and skill
Natasha’s Mum, Amanda, took the opportunity to be a passenger on one of the sailing legs and commented,

“I am in awe of Natasha’s courage and skill to control this small boat in some very arduous conditions. Her determination and perseverance makes me so very proud.”

Throughout this challenge Natasha has fund raised for the RNLI and a Charity created by herself to help others with similar needs The MissIsle School of Sip-puff Sailing.

Natasha takes on these challenges to demonstrate that despite disability great things are possible and is already planning for next year!

You can follow her adventure on her Website, Facebook and Twitter @miss_isle.

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