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Positive steps, but improvement still required at secondary school

Ofsted have delivered their latest inspection report for Medina College.

Although inspectors had stated at the last inspection in January that the school was making improvements, the latest report finds they have still not made enough to move up a rating and remain on ‘Requires Improvement’ in all areas.

The post 16-19 study programme (at the Nodehill VI Form Campus), however, was rated as ‘Good’.

The inspector highlighted the following strengths:

  • The effective leadership of the new head of school is already shifting the culture of the college. She is well supported by the executive headteacher and other senior leaders.
  • Students’ achievement at the sixth form campus is good. They value the range of academic and vocational subjects on offer.
  • Governance has recently improved. New members have been appointed, and the
    governing body is well placed to hold leaders to account for better performance.
  • Pupils receive a good level of care, guidance and support. The large majority of pupils feel safe and are happy.

In order to become a ‘Good’ school the following improvements will be required:

  • While the quality of teaching has improved, it is not yet good enough to bring about good progress for all pupils across the college, especially in science.
  • The provision for pupils who have special educational needs (SEN) and/or disabilities requires improvement. Some pupils’ needs have not been met fully and, as a result, their progress is not rapid enough.
  • The poor behaviour of a small number of pupils hinders their progress.
  • Some pupils, particularly those who are disadvantaged, do not attend as well as they should.
  • Pupils do not attain as highly as they should in GCSE examinations. In particular, disadvantaged pupils do not make enough progress.
  • Subject leaders have improved their leadership skills but require further support to raise standards in their curriculum areas.

Many positive developments
The Chair of Governors for the Island Innovation Federation, Peter Whitlock says;

“We are glad to see the many positive developments and hard work of leaders and staff at Medina College recognised by Ofsted.

“We look forward to continuing to work with the college team as they continue the improvement journey over the next few terms for the benefit of all our students.”

Working tirelessly to improve
A statement issued by Medina College reads,

“The Ofsted team gave the school a number of helpful areas for development, amongst these being to improve teaching still further, improve attendance and improve the behaviour of a small number of students. We have already devised strong plans to address the areas for development.

“At Medina, we work tirelessly to improve the quality of teaching and pastoral care and this has been recognised in the Ofsted Parent View survey. 96% of parents say their child is happy at Medina, 91% say that their child feels safe and 93% would recommend the school to other parents. We are delighted by the positive feedback from parents, which is a clear indication of the strong relationships that exists between the school and the families of our students.

“We would like to thank all our wonderful students and yourselves for the continued faith placed in us over the last few years on our improvement journey. We are excited about the future and, under the leadership of our incoming Executive Headteacher Matthew Parr-Burman, we look forward to securing a Good judgement from Ofsted next time they visit.”

The report
You can read the report in full – click on the full screen icon to see larger version.

Image: rabanito under CC BY 2.0

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