
PCC funding to help professionals better support vulnerable young people

The office of Police and Crime Commissioner, Michael Lane share this latest news. Ed

Police and Crime Commissioner, Michael Lane, is to fund local charity CIS’ters to raise awareness of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the impact they can have on vulnerability, including risk taking and criminal behaviour.

ACEs are stressful events occurring in childhood, such as experiencing abuse, neglect, mental illness, and substance misuse that may have a lifelong impact on health and behaviour.

Research suggests that the greater the number of ACEs that an individual has, the more vulnerable they may be to becoming a victim or perpetrator of crime, or developing health problems or other social adversities.

Screenings across the region
The Commissioner’s £7,000 grant will enable CIS’ters, a survivor led organisation supporting victims of familial child sexual abuse, to work with Community Safety Partnerships across Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton to raise awareness of ACEs amongst professionals through screenings of the ACE documentary ‘Resilience’.

Watch the trailer

Improving understanding
Michael Lane said:

“This partnership will ensure that hundreds of professionals are better able to support young people who are potentially vulnerable and at risk.

“Improved understanding of what ACEs are and why they are important will mean that those working with young people will be better equipped to identify those with high ACEs, and support them in building protective barriers to reduce the risk of becoming a future victim or perpetrator of crime.”

Helping others safeguard children
Gillian, Founder of CIS’ters said,

“All of the women who access CIS’ters have lived experience of multiple ACEs and this puts us in a unique position to help cascade the message of ACEs, to help others appreciate what more can be done to safeguard children in the future to ensure their emotional and physical wellbeing.

“But ACEs is also about adulthood and the impact that toxic stress has had on our bodies; we see the evidence in the women we meet as part of our work. I have an ACE score of 8, and recognise now not only the emotional impact, but also the physical outcomes that are mentioned within the documentary.”

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