children watching a performance by LASTheatre

Outdoor school performances of The Lion Inside on offer

LAStheatre presents a beautiful, outdoor performance in schools for children in Reception to Year 2 from September – November 2020.

LAStheatre have obtained the rights to create an outdoor theatre performance of Rachel Bright’s ‘The Lion Inside’ illustrated by Jim Field.

This story is about confidence, self-esteem, and a shy little mouse who sets out on a journey to find his roar.

Covering a range of themes
LAStheatre’s production creatively and playfully explores the following themes:

  • Facing fears
  • Building confidence
  • Feeling positive
  • Dealing with change
  • Celebrating our differences and similarities
  • Playfully help pupils transition back into school post-lockdown

The performance is accompanied by an in-depth creative learning pack with a focus on dealing with change and facing fears.

This pack covers the curriculum subjects of PSHE, Science, English, and Art.

All this is available on the Isle of Wight now! Find out more by heading over to the Lift the Lid Website.

News shared by Sarah on behalf of Lift the Lid on Island Culture. Ed

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