If you were shopping in Newport earlier today, you may have spotted two ‘Suffragists’.
Julie Hutchinson and her friend, Teresa, took the opportunity to dress up and hand out flowers, wishing people a Happy International Women’s Day.
A welcome response
Having experienced a welcome response, Julie told News OnTheWight,
“Our banners read ‘Women are great leaders’ and ’96 years to get the vote, 15 per cent in the Chamber’, and people really wanted to talk to us. Women were shocked that there are so few female councillors at the council.”
“I didn’t have any expectations of today – I’d had it in my mind that it was what I was going to do, I never thought about the reaction. But the reaction was stunning. As you know, I’ve been an environmental activist for years, and there are things that I have noticed. Women tend to be very involved in environmental matters.
“When Covid19 happened , so many people suddenly wanted to help those in need. It was a massive shift into kindness. So why shouldn’t more women be councillors? We’re suited to it!”

Wight Women Leaders
Julie has set up a Website called Wight Women Leaders which includes lots of information on “how politics is becoming feminised”.
She says,
“I talk about Flatpack Democracy and talk through and explain what a People’s Assembly is, how they are run, etc. I’ve got lots of experience of People’s Assemblies and they’re a really valuable way of listening to everyone, and understanding.
“There’s also the Parliament Project, which is set up to support women moving forward into Politics. The Parliament Project have been working alongside Flatpack Democracy for over a year now, they offer free workshops and peer support. They are very much encouraging environmentally-minded women to step forward, they’re lovely people!
“We also have IsleVote21 running this year on the Island, which gives people who have never shouted about what they do in their communities the chance to put themselves forward, and to talk about their vision and why their communities are so important to them. It’s a unique opportunity and gives everyone an equal platform.”

People want change
Julie finished by saying,
“So Happy International Women’s Day! We definitely need a more diverse Council Chamber, and I can tell you now that today was a total pleasure.
“The gentlemen we spoke to were utterly supportive, the women were very interested. People want change.”