Apple iPads Hit The Isle of Wight Today (Updated)

Remember we mentioned the Apple iPad a couple of days ago?

Apple iPads Hit The Isle of Wight TodayWell, we’ve just heard from John Nicholson Shuttler on the Island.

He’s (quite rightly) excited to have just received his UK spec iPad from the UPS delivery man. Yes – it’s actually in his hands.

From what he was told by the driver, it sounds like John was the first on the Island to receive a UK spec one.

Update 14:10: Craig Goldsmith got in touch to let us know he’s had a US spec one for weeks.

He’s not alone either, the steer from the delivery man was that there were 40 pre-ordered iPads being delivered to the Island today, so we await our first iPad-in-use spotting report on the Island.

“Fizzy wee”
Waiting for your iPad delivery is a trying experience by the sound of it. “iPad delivery anxiety is horrible!,” John Tweeted five hours ago. The one of 14 hours ago, where he heard it would be arriving is much funnier, “iPad shipped ETA 27th! I think I just did a fizzy wee.”

Quite understandable when you’re waiting for a new bit of kit :)

Thanks to Craig Goldsmith for the first shot of VB on an iPad

Image: ndevil under CC BY 2.0