Postive Forward Plan for Ventnor: Destination Town

At Monday night’s Annual Town Meeting, the new Mayor of Ventnor, Cllr Debby Robinson, presented a forward plan for the town. It looks like a positive approach for Ventnor. For the benefit of those unable to attend the meeting, Mayor Robinson has provided full details below of her prepared speech. Ed

Postive Forward Plan for Ventnor: Destination TownIn the past communications between town and council have been very far from satisfactory for which I’d like to apologise. Now, with input from the very able Town Clerk, David Bartlett, that is changing dramatically.

New Website on the horizon
Within a matter of weeks a new Town Council Website will be up and running giving bang up to date information concerning all aspects of our community.

Agendas and minutes will be readily available and news will be updated on a continual basis. Print newsletters will also appear more regularly via the South Wight Beacon, delivered to every door in Ventnor.

If you don’t receive a copy, please let David Bartlett know so that this can be rectified.

Public consultation and Parish Poll in July
The Winter Gardens discussion is a perfect example of how poorly the actual situation has been communicated to the public and for this we must apologise.

As a council we are, contrary to persistent rumour, totally committed to making decisions for the Winter Gardens, which will reflect the needs and wishes of the whole town.

To this end we will be starting our promised consultation process early in July with a two week exhibition which we hope will give a complete picture of this iconic building, past, present and future.

Following this a Parish Poll will be held so that everyone in Ventnor can register their views on the future of the Winter Gardens.

Tackling problems at the Haven
Moving down from the Winter Gardens we have another problematic facility – the Haven with its periodic eye-watering stench.

Arrangements here are currently being looked at County level and it hoped that a proper solution will be in place before the summer season is upon us.

Undercliff Drive
Another challenging town (and island) issue is Undercliff Drive and the coastal route.

Ward councillor for St Lawrence, Chris Bonney, gave told the meeting that he was in consultation with several people regarding the issue of Undercliff Drive. He pointed out there are three key top level issues surrounding Undercliff Drive which each impinge on each other and should be understood and acted on in a joined up way. These are the buses connections through St Lawrence, the preservation of Undercliff Drive as a thoroughfare and the continuing coastal route via the Military Road. He felt that at the moment, the most pressing of these is the imminent potential and permanent closure of the Military Road at Brook.

Progress on provision of allotments
The lack of allotments in Ventnor has been a ridiculously long-standing problem.

The provision of such amenities is a legal obligation for all Town Councils – but for Ventnor TC it’s a vital base commitment for our biodiversity and sustainability plans.

I’m pleased to report that Cllr Welsford has been pursuing the possibility of two sites in the town and we hope to be able to give you news on this very shortly.

Remaining sustainable
On the subject of our backing for biodiversity and sustainability we will be kicking this off with a complete review of Winter Gardens energy use waste disposal.

Hopefully we will be installing a large composter which will deal with all kitchen waste & shredded office paper – reducing commercial collection costs and providing lovely compost at the same time.

A greener, cleaner Ventnor
This council would also like to see a Green Clean Ventnor and a tidier town. This means more than just litterbins and dog fouling (although both need and will receive our attention).

The town itself needs a facelift and this can be provided in simple, inexpensive ways such as jet washing shop and office fronts and pavements on a regular basis.

The average Saturday visitor to Pier Street and the High Street doesn’t want to see Friday night’s vomit (and last week even blood!) on the pavements, nor obscene graffiti drawn in the grime of some doorways.

Keeping a clean environment doesn’t have to be costly but it does need the will and the elbow grease of the community.

With this initiative we hope that there’ll be a rekindling of a pride in our town, which has been wearing, a bit thin of late.

More input on highways
On Highways matters we as a town council, need to develop a much closer working relationship with county to resolve the many problems which fall within their remit.

One plan we care strongly about is the introduction of a new town wide 20 mph speed limit which Cllr David George has put forward.

Cllr George went on to explain that he would be proposing a 20mph speed limit in certain parts of two such as Pier St and parts of the High Street in order to ensure that the young and elderly remain safe in the town.

Design statement for the town
My own personal priority is to make sure that a Design Statement is produced for Ventnor.

These are detailed descriptions of a town or parish which form statutory consultative documents. County Council’s planning dept is obliged to refer to these when considering any planning applications in relevant areas.

Produced by the town, for the town, they play an invaluable role in safeguarding the character and visual integrity of the built environment. To this end we will be inviting locals residents with relevant expertise to work with us on this project.

Destination Ventnor
Probably the most exciting and pro-active part of this councils’ plans for the forthcoming year is the launch of ‘Destination Ventnor’.

Our towns’ economy is hugely dependant on the visitor pound.

We attract holidaymakers in their droves during the summer but off- season it’s another story. This ‘two season’ economy has seen many businesses fail.

By attracting a wide range of events, courses, festivals and conferences to Ventnor we can achieve a year-round balance for local businesses.

We have two of the best hotels and restaurants on the Island, right here in Ventnor. We also have an eclectic, sometimes quirky, mix of cafe’s, pubs, shops and holiday accommodation leading ‘Harper’s Bazaar’ to name us one of ‘the world’s hippest hangouts’ last year.

In marketing speak, Ventnor has a unique offer and it’s this council’s aim to put all our available resources behind the ‘Destination Ventnor’ brand.

Once again the knowledge and creativity on those living in the town will be actively sort out. Together we can put Ventnor firmly back on the map.

Image: ezappy under CC BY 2.0

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