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A winter warmer from the U3A

Thanks to Louis for sharing details with OnTheWight readers about the Isle of Wight U3A. Ed

If you have not heard of the ‘University of the Third Age’ then you might be missing something that could enrich your life. The Island’s U3A, now in its twentieth year of existence offers a comprehensive set of organised activities for mature people and is just one of 900 throughout the UK.

Local branch
IWU3A is independent and has its own local organising committee. Like many voluntary organisations they are always seeking new members for their activities and also as potential committee or group organisers.

With winter approaching, you could be joining any one of over 40 social learning groups which will add the warmth of companionship to your life, and perhaps a cup of tea as well.

Get involved
If you have a particular hobby or skill that you would be willing to share with other mature people, or just want to meet with others of your age group in some purposeful activity, here is the place to go!

In particular, what’s needed to round off the University ethic are some study groups to deal with Sciences (of the widest variety) Economics, Bible study, Liturgy, Latin, politics. We have recently started a play reading group but nothing to stop anyone producing a show? Or a choir? Bell ringing anyone?

Lots on offer
450 older people on the Isle of Wight already take part in anything from French conversation to folk dancing, needlework to Island history, plant swapping, book reading circles, lunching out on bus routes, organised walking or dining in style.

There are regular tea-time gatherings for all and there’s something for everyone in the various groups which are all run by volunteers.

Join up now
U3A is a self help adult learning project and it is accessible to anyone at £12 a year, £20 for couples, either by contacting the Membership Secretary at 564217 or getting details from the website at www.iowu3a.com

Groups meet in various village and Church halls around the Island, some in libraries, some in pubs and cafes, others in private homes.

It’s the ultimate in DIY.