£35,000 proposal for Floating Bridge generators welcomed, but replacement progress lacks speed argues councillor
Wightlink’s vehicle ferries diverted via Portsmouth International Port for week-long terminal works (updated)
10, March 2011·1 min readGoogle Art Project: Amazing Gigapixel Photos Of Art MasterpiecesBeware! Grab sellotape before you look at this - it could well blow your mind
1, February 2011·1 min readIWC ‘Information Guardians’: Playing On The Wrong Side For FoIsThe choice of the 'Departmental Information Guardian' title by the council says a lot for their attitude to the Freedom of Information Act
26, January 2011·1 min readRyde O2 Shop Listed To CloseWith the loss of the O2 shop in Ryde, there's hope that those working there might find work at another shop
26, January 2011·1 min readSt Helens Parish Council Hold Public MeetingPublic meeting for St Helen's residents
25, January 2011·1 min readFreshwater Public MeetingPublic meeting to allow residents to have their say
20, January 2011·1 min read‘Geological Vent’ Opens In VentnorAnyone know what a 'geological vent' is?
12, January 2011·1 min readLibrary Closure Demo This WeekendDemonstrators protest against library closures