Rachael Berry’s brain hat fundraiser aims to support Alzheimer’s Research UK – donate for your chance to win it
Wet Leg debuts new tracks at secret gigs under ‘Uma Thurman’ pseudonym in Brighton and London (photos)
Rachael Berry’s brain hat fundraiser aims to support Alzheimer’s Research UK – donate for your chance to win it
Hannah Harrison receives national award for exceptional leadership at Isle of Wight Ambulance Service
Rachael Berry’s brain hat fundraiser aims to support Alzheimer’s Research UK – donate for your chance to win it
23, March 2009·1 min readIsle Of Wight Inter-Island Bowls Tournament 2009Alec Soars from the Inter-Island Bowling Tournament fills us in on the latest along with details of upcoming fundraising events.
23, September 2009·1 min readBarbara Roscoe Launches New Book: Bacon, Eggs & AnecdotesBarbara Roscoe has just published a new book with stories and anecdotes from Isle of Wight Bed and Breakfast owners.
6, October 2009·1 min readVectis Radio Rumoured To Be StartingOne of the experiencde DJs on the Island is rumoured to be involved.
14, October 2009·1 min readMP Andrew Turner’s Initial Reaction To OFT NoMP disappointed at OFT findings.
5, November 2009·2 min readGuarding Prisoners in Island Hospital Costs Over £1m YearQuestion by Andrew Turner in the House highlights how St Mary's has a £1.15m shortfall in budget due to prisoners being guarded.
9, November 2009·1 min readBBC Blast: Three Days Til Blast OffThe BBC Blast roadshow is on the island later in the week.
14, November 2009·1 min readUpdate For Residents Re:Gales And Coastal FloodingFlood warning, but happily no problems overnight.
10, February 2010·1 min readMike Bulpitt, Chief Executive of IWRCC on Budget Presentation (Podcast)RCC is a central plank of the voluntary sector on the Isle of Wight. Mike talks about his concerns about the potential council cuts.
10, February 2010·1 min readGracie-May Accepted For Operation: More Fundraising on HorizonGood news for Gracie, but lots more cash needed to fund operation.