·2 min read
There are estimates of over 300 unwanted cats or kittens on the Island
·1 min read
Thanks to Sarah for sharing this lost cat appeal, if you can help please get in touch with Sarah
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Cats Protection in Ryde desperately need to find new homes for the 50 cats and 50 kittens currently in their care
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This old fella sounds as though he may have gone off in search of a final resting place. If you could check your sheds or garages his owners would be most grateful.
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Have you seen this lost kitten in Totland? Her owners are very worried about her.
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Cat missing in Binstead - have you seen Jackson in the Hillrise Avenue
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Can you spare half a day a week to work in new charity shop in Gunville for Friends of the Animals?
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Can you help home a kitten? Cat Protection in Ryde is struggling to find space for unwanted cats and kittens.
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This cat has been missing from The Fairway, Sandown since Sunday
·1 min read
This poor dog from the other side of the water was dragged into the Solent and may end up on one of our beaches. If you do spot it, please get in touch with the council who will pass on the news to the owner.