Unwanted kitten crisis ‘worst in 32 years’

You only have to look on Wightbay or Facebay to see that there’s a massive problem on the Island at the moment with unwanted kittens.

Unfortunately for rescue centres such as Feline Welfare and Cat Protection, unwanted pets tend to get dumped on their doorsteps rather than re-homed by the owners.

“This year is terrible”
Feline Welfare is a dedicated rescue centre for cats and kittens on the Isle of Wight and is run by Nikki, who officially set the centre up in 1988.

On The Wight reader Linda Bassett has been rallying support for the centre on social media networks and put us in touch with Nikki to find out more about the problem.

Nikki told On The Wight, “I’ve been rescuing for 32 years and this is the worst I’ve ever seen it. Last year was bad, but this year is terrible.”

According to Nikki, there are around 300 unwanted cats or kittens on the Island at the moment. Feline Rescue are getting calls every day from residents unable to cope and they have a list of 70 cats or kittens waiting to be taken in.

Lack of spaying/neutering
“People move from one rented accommodation to another and find that their new landlord won’t allow pets,” says Nikki, often meaning cats or kittens end up at the rescue centres.

But the biggest factor in the crisis is that owners are not getting their cats spayed or neutered.

Schemes can help
Many say they cannot afford the vet fees for the procedures, but Special Neutering, Spaying and Microchipping Schemes can help.

Feline Welfare offer substantial costs towards the cost of having a cat spayed or neutered, ensuring that tom cats can’t impregnate any more, or that females can’t get pregnant.

In addition, they are offering a well-priced microchipping service which will help reunite lost cats with their owners in the future.

Fundraising event
On Wednesday 3rd October, Steve Bradley from Wight Island Radio will be taking part in all female bellydance class between 7pm – 9pm at Lions Community Centre, Lake.

Steve agree to take on the challenge as long as he raises at least £100 for Feline Welfare. If you’d like see him go through with the challenge, you’re welcome to attend and help him raise at least £100 for the organisation.

Show your support in other ways
Feline Welfare are always looking for donations towards running of the centre and even welcome cat food.

Cat food for the centre can be dropped off at …

Wight Island Radio, Sandown Business Centre;
King Lud pub, Ryde Esplanade;
Jollyes pet shop, River Way Industrial Estate Newport;
Creature Comforts pet shop, Wootton Bridge.

Donations can be made through the Feline Welfare website (see Paypal details at the bottom of their home page).

You can contact Feline Welfare on 521778 or by email: [email protected]

You can also find them on Facebook