·1 min read
Elections have been set for the St Lawrence ward vacancy
·1 min read
Report from the town clerk on last night's meeting
·7 min read
This is actually what happened in the meeting.
·1 min read
Council say money will be paid as soon as VTC confirm that it is to be used for the purpose for which it was intended
·1 min read
Tina Bailey, the Ventnor Town Clerk, employed near the end of last year to replace John Farrant – who was...
·1 min read
A visiting representative from the Office for Civil Society (OCS) praised the Ventnor Town Council for their community engagement, saying it had not gone unnoticed.
·2 min read
The Coastal Centre has a fascinating history, it was bought by the local Ventnor council in 1945 with a loan from the Ministry of Health. Now the Isle of Wight council want to sell it off to the highest bidder rather than let the local council have it for community use.
·1 min read
Old spinankers recycled for use as bunting. Ventnor become the first customer