Has Island Roads really reopened Undercliff Drive? Confusion over suggested diversion route (updated)
26, July 2010·1 min readVentnor Town Council Election Called For SeptemberFour vacancies for Ventnor Town Council
16, July 2010·1 min readIslanders Views Sought on Town and Parish Council BoundariesShare you views with the council on town and parish council boundaries
13, July 2010·1 min readGillian Jenner Co-opted To Ventnor Town CouncilGilly makes it onto the council
23, June 2010·1 min readVentnor Town Council Consider Plans on MondayThree planning applications to be considered
16, June 2010·1 min readFancy Being Co-opted On To Ventnor Town Council?Spare some time for the community?
15, June 2010·4 min readReport From Ventnor Town Council Meeting: 14th June 2010Richard reports from the VTC meeting for VB