The Isle of Wight MP spoke in Parliament, calling for the legal timescales in which Government can demand action from the water companies to be brought forward
Not only this, but we’re told where the longest release was - of over 1,000 hours - which beaches were nearby and how one location monitor didn’t work all year
The price rise in energy bills from October will have a devastating impact on the lives of many Islanders. See within for ways you can get support, including grants from British Gas
Having seen how much and how fast the rain fell on Wednesday, it's not surprising to read of 'sewage overflow' reports from Surfers Against Sewage today
If you choose to join the campaign to cancel direct debits and not pay fuel bills this winter, you could face other consequences that push you further into or towards poverty, says Footprint Trust
Vix Lowthion shares her take on the "privatisation experiment of the last few decades" and explains what she believes needs to happen to help keep people from falling deeper into crises
Although hosepipe restrictions come into force on the Isle of Wight on Friday, for some residents there are exemptions. Check out the list to see if you qualify