If you spot any Jellyfish on Island beaches, do let the Marine Conservation Society know. They're carrying out a survey of Jellyfish in British shores.
For a diet rich in protein needed to survive the autumn and winter the Red Squirrel Survival Trust advise a mix of hazelnuts in their shells, walnuts, unsalted peanuts and sunflower seeds
If the Wildlife Trust's hopes are fulfilled, we could see beavers being introduced on the Isle of Wight - bringing with them positive thriving eco systems
Large influxes of the moth in previous years means hopes are high that 2016 could witness another ‘hummer summer’ as the long distance migrant attempts to gain a foothold in the UK.
The highways PFI company say they're unable to meet contractual requirements to control weeds using manual labour and organic herbicides, so will return to using glyphosate-products
Islanders are coming together to express their concern at the possibility of the 2004 Hunting Act being repealed. A Facebook Group has been set up to gather views and an online petition and poll are gaining support.