Jordan Strobach Morris & Dylan Boyd

Sandown Bay Academy students get Oxford University offers

This in from Karen on behalf of Sandown Bay Academy. In their own words. Ed

Teachers and friends shared the exciting news that two Sandown Bay Academy sixth form students received offers from Oxford University last week, at their first choice of college.

New College and Baliol College
Dylan Boyd (age 17) received an offer of a place to study Physics at New College, Oxford and Jordan Strobach-Morris (age 17) received an offer to study Physics and Philosophy at Baliol College, Oxford.

Jordan said,

“It was like a surreal dreamscape – receiving an offer from one of the most prestigious universities in the world to study a subject that questions the nature of the universe.”

Dylan said,

“I chose New College because of its amazing reputation for music, which I hope to carry on, alongside physics.”

Demanding entrance tests
To achieve the offer, both students had to sit a demanding Physics and Maths entrance test and attend a rigorous set of interviews at two Oxford Colleges.

To help prepare for this, they were supported by the school’s ‘Medrox’ focus group. Medrox is a group to support students who are aiming high.

Every year Medrox students progress to the most competitive courses. Being part of this group enables them to achieve some very attractive offers from the best universities in the U.K.

100% success for Sandown Medrox applicants
Mary Bradshaw, Medrox Co-ordinator said

“This is a fantastic achievement for Dylan and Jordan and for Sandown Bay Academy’s Medrox group, this represents the third consecutive year of 100 per cent success in applicants to Oxford securing offers of a place to study at this world class university. Thanks to all colleagues involved in supporting the boys in achieving their ambitions.”

What’s Medrox?
Sandown Bay Academy have
produced a video from a meeting in December which features current sixth form students and ex-Sandown students back from universities explaining how Medrox can help students in the sixth form.

It’s well worth watching.