This in from the council, in their own words. Ed
At that meeting, the Leader of the Isle of Wight Council, Councillor Jonathan Bacon, will bring forward and propose an alternative to the current recommendation in the papers for Option 2B.
Details of the new recommendation to be put forward are being worked on and will be published on Wednesday afternoon as there are detailed issues to be addressed which require proper consideration before it is made public.
Jonathan Bacon, who is also Executive member for children’s services said:
“The consideration of the options and the process of consultation that preceded it has been complex and difficult. It requires a detailed analysis of the needs of children across the Island and our duty as a local authority to try to ensure a good school is accessible as possible for those children.
“We need to address the problem of surplus places and make sure, as far as we can, that the decisions we take now are sustainable for children and schools into the future. We also have the opportunity of a substantial investment by the Education Funding Agency in the Island’s schools which would be one of the most significant investments the Island has ever seen.
“This all has to be balanced against the views that have been expressed about the original recommendation that those considerations led to, including the many representations made by parents, children and staff at Carisbrooke College which we have been reading and listening to.
“As a result we will be putting forward a revised recommendation that we hope will address the concerns on both sides of this debate. The new wording will be made available as soon as possible.”
The meeting of the Full Council begins at 6pm at County Hall.