Appeal for Temporary Charity Shop Premises

Do read on to see whether you can help at all with this appeal from St Catherine’s School. Ed

St Catherine's Charity Shop Opens (Podcast)Readers may remember the successful charity shop ventures organised by learners from St Catherine’s School last summer and again in early December.

We are currently looking for premises again – preferably in Ventnor so our learners can participate in valuable retail experience.

In recent months we have accumulated a vast amount of donated goods and we have our volunteer manager on board again.

In an ideal world we are looking for a two week shop running from end of June.

We have insurance in place but the premises will need to have standard buildings insurance.

In the past one of the shops was donated to us and one was provided for a nominal cost. Any help with this would be amazing and gratefully received.

Do get in touch if you can help by calling 852722.