Tritone Singers

Appreciative and packed audience for Tritone Singers’ spring concert

Thanks to Jacky Haysted for this review of the latest Tritone Singers’ concert. Ed

On Friday 8th March the Tritone singers performed at St Catherine’s Church, Ventnor.

This choir’s reputation precedes them and the church was full, with extra chairs having to be brought out and the choir stalls utilised.

Faure’s Requiem
The first half of the concert was a concert performance of Faure’s Requiem accompanied by Michele Brock on organ. Being used to the full orchestral scoring I was intrigued to hear this version.

As usual, this group did not disappoint. Although they are a fairly small choir they always sound like a much larger ensemble. This is due to their confidant singing, excellent dynamic range and accurate tuning.

Good things worth waiting for
The musical director, Richard Wilkins, said it had long been an ambition of his to conduct this Requiem and this performance proved the saying that good things are worth waiting for!

The two soloists, Helen Mansfield and Alastair Nye sang with confidence and assurity perfectly suited to sacred music.

Appreciative audience
The second half of the concert featured a selection of French and English short pieces.

A beautiful, eight-part vocal arrangement of ‘Nimrod’ was performed unaccompanied and much enjoyed by the appreciative audience.

Next concert
The Tritone’s next concert is in Christchurch, Totland on Saturday 15th June.

Put the date in your diary now.

Image: © Mike Dunkasons