The milder winter meant Island Roads only needed to carry out 23 gritting runs compared to 35 the winter before, but as it was also very wet, there was still much to keep the team busy.
Following OnTheWight'sreport last week on the two year anniversary of the Undercliff Drive landslide, Island Roads set out their plans for reinstating the access road for the landlocked residents.
A campaign to reduce flooding on roads by reminding homeowners and landowners they have a duty to ensure adequate land and property drainage systems are in place has been launched.
The latest technology will be used to help keep the Island’s treated routes free from ice when Island Roads embarks on its winter highways service this year.
The final phase of planned work to ensure the streets of Ryde are able to host the Pearl Izumi Tour Series cycle race on Thursday (14th May) are to be undertaken early next week.
Cross Street Ryde will be undergoing major excavation and reconstruction, as well as resurfacing, prior to the Pearl Izumi Cycle Tour Series event which takes place on 14th May.