Cllr Robertson, the leader of the Conservative group of councillors, shares his criticism of the announcement by the council that the settlement for FB6 will not be made public
Cllr Robertson responds to the accusation that he's playing Monopoly with planning in Newport and calls for the Cabinet to overrule the Scrutiny Committee's recommendations
Conservative councillors share their proposed changes to the draft Island Planning Strategy ahead of it being released to the Scrutiny Committee next month
The call comes after it was claimed some members in the public gallery at last week's full council meeting shouted abuse towards Conservative councillors
The Conservative Group of Councillors say they welcome the Alliance Group's budget, but add they can go further by, among other things, borrowing more to tackle the housing crisis on the Isle of Wight
Conservative leader, Cllr Joe Robertson, thought that he was going to be elected as new Chairman of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee and claims there was a secret plot by the Alliance Group to appoint Labour councillor, Richard Quigley instead
Leader of the Isle of Wight Conservative councillors is calling on the Alliance Group to reconsider putting Camp Hill back on the agenda for much-needed housing