Celebrating Together

‘Celebrating Together’: Isle of Wight Day Book now available

Philip from Beachy Books shares this latest news. Ed

Philip Bell, Island author and publisher at Beachy Books, has recently worked with Robin Courage, the High Sheriff of the Isle of Wight, to create and publish a book of photos taken on the inaugural Isle of Wight Day in 2016.

Your Isle of Wight Day photos
The hardback book called ‘Celebrating Together‘ contains over 500 photos taken by Islanders and professionals, and celebrates the various events that happened on Isle of Wight Day, including the Bembridge Harbour Food Festival, The Grand People’s Parade through Newport, the Cowes yachting relay and even a human map of the Island created by school children and photographed by a drone.

Celebrating Together - IOW Day 2016 Book - Cover

Philip said,

“I think the book really captures the sense of community on the Island. If you were at any of the events on the day or your house was covered in Isle of Wight Day bunting it’s a sure bet that you will be in the book!”

All proceeds to charity
The 80-page book is priced at £15 and is available from the County Press Shop.

All proceeds go to the High Sheriff’s Trust which helps deserving causes on the Isle of Wight, and will be helping to fund the next Isle of Wight Day this year.

For more information visit the Beachy Books Website.

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