plastic lids on a beach
Image: mark harpur under CC BY 2.0

Bembridge joins the Plastic Free Communities network to combat plastic pollution

News shared by Chani, in her own words. Ed

As the regional rep for Surfers Against Sewage I am supporting a new plastic free community in Bembridge.   The Plastic Free Communities network has been created to tackle plastic pollution at source – from beaches and green spaces right back to the brands and businesses that create it. 

We’re uniting in the fight against avoidable plastic. Did you know 38 million drinks bottles are bought in the UK every day, 112,000 pieces of plastic leave UK supermarkets every minute and 12 million items of plastic enter the ocean every year. 

Kick our addiction to throwaway plastic
It’s not about removing all plastic from our lives. It’s about kicking our addiction to throwaway plastic, and changing the system that produces it. 

Plastic is a growth industry, with one in every ten barrels of oil now used to create new plastic. But together, we can make sure we don’t choke our coast, streets, parks and playgrounds with it. Because if it’s on our streets today, it’s in our rivers tomorrow, and our beaches and oceans forever.  We can make sure each of us understands that we can change this, whoever we are and wherever we live.  But we can only do it together

Spearheading the programme
Two women are driving the programme Ally de Trey and Lindsey Newberry (pictured below). 

Lindsey says,

“I started this project after spending a year beach litter cleaning and surveying.  We found so much plastic which is destroying the life in our oceans. I want to channel people’s concern about this into further action and that’s why I am so passionate about this project.”

de Trey: Delighted to be a part of effective local action
Ally stated,

“Following my move to Bembridge I have become increasingly aware of the damage being done to our local biosphere, beaches and sea life, by plastic pollution.

“This project enables me to channel my concern into effective local action and I am delighted to be a part of it.”

Fun drop in session
Please join them at a fun drop in session on Thursday 20th June at Bembridge Village Hall, 5 Foreland Road, Bembridge PO35 5XN between 330pm and 530pm.

Find out what this means for your business or community group. Open to all. Quiz, videos, stalls and guess the nurdles are some of the activities available. 

Get in touch
You can get in touch with Lindsey or Ally by emailing [email protected]  or by visiting the Plastic Free Communities website.