Bestival: Jestival – Laugh Your Socks Off

That’s right, this year the Bestival crew have achieved their dream of ensuring we all have a good laugh (as if we didn’t already!).

Bestival: Jestival - Laugh Your Socks OffThis year, a very special place has been created for some of the greatest comics prepared to make the journey across the Solent for the best festival of the year. Forget Edinburgh, we have it all here on the Isle of Wight.

Jestival will feature many comics fresh from the Edinburgh Festival. How about Andrew Maxwell’s Fullmooners and We Are Klang’s modestly named Dick Party retrospective.

Born and bred caulkhead, Phill ‘my music and comedy weighs a ton’ Jupitus will be gracing the stage and Howard ‘it’s a fair cop’ Marks will also be making an appearance.

But in proper Bestival tradition, you’ll be able to catch some of the newer acts, such as Stephen Carling and Scroobius ‘Thou Shalt Always Kill’ Pip.

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