Bestival Rumours: Winehouse Backup Special Guest Named?

Fat Boy SlimYou remember that VentnorBlog correctly predicted the Surprise Guest for Bestival as The Specials (with a healthy steer from Annie) — others picked up on this and it spread around the media, off and on-line.

We followed this up with getting the Extra Special Guest as Grace Jones while we were on site (thanks to local knowledge networks).

The name that we didn’t get was who was the backup special guest that Robby spoke about just in case Mrs Winehouse hadn’t pulled it together to get to, or perform at Bestival on Saturday.

As Robby said on the Bestival Forum, “If she can’t do the gig, rest assured I do have a very good back up plan”¦ Have we ever let you down?”

Fat Boy SlimWe’ve heard … and goodness only knows if it is true … that the preparation for the hot replacement super guest involved a helicopter waiting on standby and a bloke called Quentin.

Who? What? Eh? We hear you say.

The helicopter was waiting in Brighton and Quentin is slightly better known as Norman Cook, although most of the world know him as Fatboy Slim.

It all may be tish, tosh and conjecture of course.

Image: Alterna2

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