Beware: Scam letters being posted to Isle of Wight

Scam letters are being posted to Isle of Wight residents.

Lottery scam
They claim that a large amount of money has been won in a lottery and that they want to pay this money to the recipient of the letter.

This type of scam has been doing the rounds on email for years, so most people with Internet access know that they’re fraudulent.

Let elderly Island residents know
The worrying thing is that elderly Island residents might believe that it’s real and get sucked in to a scam that could extract money from them.

One example that has been show to OnTheWight claimed to be from ‘La Primitiva’ lottery (which is the Spanish lottery) but the letter was post-marked Portugal.

Identity theft
The long form included with the letter, which they ask to fax to Spain, asks for many personal details, including date of birth and full bank account details – all ideal for identity theft.

Spread the word
If you know people in your local area who might not have Internet access, please let them know that these letters are floating around.