Mr Bricknell, Head of Blue House, with some of the Blue House Council members

Blue House Bay students raise £1,180 for CLIC Sargent

Karen shares this latest news on behalf of The Bay CE School. Ed

The Bay CE School held a community fundraising day on the secondary site on Friday 14th December.

Students in Year 6-11 at The Bay CE School are in one of four houses; Red, Blue, Green or Yellow. The House system promotes positive competition, team building along with a sense of community and belonging.

Students in each House choose a charity to fundraise for at the start of the academic year. Students in Blue House chose to fundraise for ‘Young Lives v Cancer, CLIC Sargent.’

Exceeded the £770 target
They set out with a target to raise £770: the amount it costs to provide a base for an Isle of Wight family at Jeans House while their child is being treated for Cancer at Southampton hospital.

Jeans House is a ‘home from home’ and a safe haven for families to stay that is close to the children and young people’s oncology ward at Southampton General Hospital.

The Blue House student council worked tirelessly to plan the day. There was a non-uniform day, mince pie bake-off and sale, a huge raffle and Challenge Santa sports events. The day ended with over 100 students and staff taking part in Blue House Quiz.

The final amount raised for CLIC Sargent was £1,180.

Bricknell: Support from local community
Mr Bricknell, Head of Blue House said,

“I am really proud of the Blue House Council for all of their hard work and commitment to make the Community Day so successful.

“We are delighted to have exceeded our target and raised £1,180. The local community supported the event and donated lots of fantastic raffle prizes which helped us raise a considerable amount of money to help an Island family going through a tough time.”