Bonchurch Gardens Open This Weekend

BonchurchWe promised you the inside on the “Beautiful Gardens of Bonchurch” and I’ve finally managed to get it all online.

We hope that you like the fact that you can preview the list of gardens open and plan your route before heading to Bonchurch. We’ve added links to Google Maps, so you can see (almost) where each property is.

Why not stop off along the way at St Boniface Church for a cream tea – open between 2.30pm and 5.30pm. They also have a local arts and crafts exhibition and sale so don’t forget your cheque books.

Just to be clear, please be aware that we’re jesting with these titles below. We think it’s great that people are prepared to go to the effort of opening their gardens for all to enjoy and will definitely be supporting it ourselves this weekend. Don’t forget all money raised goes to the care of the beautiful Bonchurch village. As our old favourite Rob Brydon would say “It’s just a bit of fun”.

Titles we discarded:
Posh gits show off
People with too much time on their hands open their gardens
Look at us, bet you’re jealous
Hosepipe ban, what are you talking about?
Bushes of Bonchurch go Brazilian
Job Centre alert: gardeners required 3 to 7 July

Come over to the forum and give us your alternative titles.