I Hate Litter Bugs …

I thought it was such a shame to see a report from the Beach Safety Group that several groups of locals left litter on the beach last weekend.

No litter on Ventnor Beach PleaseIt’s bad enough that we have some (a minority) dirty devils who don’t clean up after their dogs (that includes the person who walks their dog in Madeira Road and lets the little hound mess on other people’s gardens paths – perhaps you won’t find it so funny when you get hit with a £1000 fine!) … but leaving litter on the beach (including glass) is inexcusable.

There are so many bins on the esplanade, so you don’t even have to take it home with you. To tidy it away, takes less effort than creating the mess.

Don’t forget the kiddies … they don’t mix well with broken glass and a tide of plastic water bottles really shouldn’t be our main visitor attraction.

I could go on but don’t have time … OK …. rant over.