Budget Cuts: Waterside Pool To Close (proposal)

Papers for next week’s Cabinet Meeting confirm that the Isle of Wight council are planning to close Waterside Pool.

Budget Cuts: Waterside Pool To Close (proposal)When we asked last week for confirmation of the news we’d reported on Tuesday morning about the closure, the council didn’t supply a yes or no answer, instead sending through a general statement about the impact of the Spending Review.

The papers to be presented to the Cabinet next week, it states that the council will stop funding the pool by the end of March and will consider representations from third parties interested in taking over the running of the amenity.

Here’s what the paper states

It is proposed that Waterside Pool, which will close as a site as from 31 March 2011 (saving £250,000 a year).

In the intervening period the Council will consider representations and proposals from third parties (including community groups) for the retention of the pool facility provided it is at nil cost to the Council. If no suitable proposals are forthcoming then the site could then be offered to the market potentially as part of a wider regeneration opportunity on Ryde seafront.

It would be expected that all representations will have been made and considered in sufficient time to inform the Council’s budget setting meeting in February 2011.

The invitation for proposals will be launched following a Cabinet Member delegated decision report as soon as is practical after the date of this meeting. Call in will be disapplied to this element of the report to allow the report on consultation to be considered as soon as possible. This consultation will inform a final decision in the new year.

A meeting to discuss the future of the Pool is being held this Thursday by concerned members of the public.