County hall in background with photo of chris jarman and jonathan bacon

Cabinet member for Finance: Is he in, or is he out?

Cllr Chris Jarman, Leader of the new Empowering Islanders Group of councillors at County Hall, has confirmed to News OnTheWight that he remains as Cabinet member for Strategic Finance, Transformational Change and Corporate Resources.

Last week Cllr Jarman left the Alliance Group of councillors and joined three others to form the new group.

Bacon: In our view he walked
Following the news breaking, Cllr Jonathan Bacon, Cabinet member for Climate Change, Environment, Heritage, Human Resources and Legal and Democratic Services, wrote to News OnTheWight claiming this meant Cllr Jarman was no longer a Cabinet member.

Cllr Bacon told News OnTheWight,

“In a private meeting with the rest of the group he indicated he was going to leave, but wasn’t sure when.

“He was told that if he left the group he would be giving up his cabinet post. He made his decision after that.

“So in our view he ‘walked’.”

Jarman: I have not ‘stepped back’ or resigned
Cllr Jarman disputed the claims, telling News OnTheWight,

“Contrary to what you may have heard, I have not ‘stepped back’ or resigned any of my critical financial roles.

“I was appointed to Cabinet and worked hard for the benefit of Islanders over the past two years – bringing Council finances into much better order including two balanced budgets and returning the pension fund to positive territory. At the same time was have faced further real cuts from central government and significant growth in demand.

“Cabinet appointments are made by Leader, they can be any of the 39 elected members, they do not need to be on a political or party or group basis. Hence it is up to Leader to appoint or remove as they choose.”