Mhairi Condemns Six Week Wait for Universal Credit

Call to ‘pause and fix’ universal credit roll-out on the Isle of Wight

Deep concerns about the impact of the full roll-out of Universal Credit across the Isle of Wight will be highlighted during a day of action this coming weekend.

Colleen Brannon from the Ryde branch of the Isle of Wight Labour Party has been in touch with details.

Call to “pause and fix universal credit”
Campaigns Officer, Colleen, explained to OnTheWight,

“We’re are asking the government to pause and fix universal credit, due to fully roll out on the Island in 2018/19.

“We welcome reform to simplify the benefits system and make work pay, but Universal Credit as it stands represents a huge cut in the support of hard working households and vulnerable people, and has problems inherent within the system that have been shown to lead to spiralling debt, poverty and eviction.”

Other organisations call for pause
Colleen went on to explain,

“Housing associations, The Trussell Trust and Citizens Advice have all expressed concerns regarding Universal Credit, because they deal with the real human suffering caused by such reckless policy implementation.

“These problems must be fixed and the system made safe before full roll-out.”

Universal Credit Day of Action
Concerned about the consequences of the roll out of Universal Credit to Island residents, members of Isle of Wight Labour Party are taking part in the national Universal Credit Day of Action Demonstration happening across the UK on Saturday (2nd December).

We’ll be demonstrating and collecting donations for the Isle of Wight foodbank (who are not associated with any political party) in Church Litten and around Newport from 12-3pm.

Image: Mhairi Black condemns six week wait for Universal Credit by paisleyorguk under CC BY 2.0