Calling All Young Designers: Offshore Wind Farm Logo Comp

Thanks to Martin for sharing news of this logo competition for 15-18 year olds. Ed

PencilsThe deadline for entries for a logo competition, which is looking for a visual identity for the proposed offshore wind park off the Dorset and Hampshire coasts and to the west of the Isle of Wight known as Navitus Bay, is only two weeks away.

The company behind the proposed development, is asking talented young artists and designers from across Dorset, the New Forest and Isle of Wight to use their artistic skills to good effect by submitting a logo which they feel best represents the development.

It’s not too late
The company has already received a number of potential designs after informing colleges across Dorset, the New Forest and on the Isle of Wight about the competition, but is still seeking designs from anyone between the ages of 15 and 18 in the three regions before the deadline on 31st March 2012.

How to enter
If interested in entering, young people simply have to ask Eneco for an information pack or visit the Navitus Bay website where it is available to download.

The information pack provides details about the logo competition and the wider project, and is needed before going to work on the design. The winning design will then be selected as the logo for Navitus Bay throughout the lifetime of the project and is a great start to the portfolio of a budding designer.

For more information about the logo competition and Navitus Bay please visit our Website.

To request an information pack email [email protected]

Image: Kabils under CC BY 2.0

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