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Calling young people interested in theatre and film: Help shape future development programmes on the Isle of Wight

Georgia Newman shared this latest news from StoneCrabs Theatre. In her own words. Ed

StoneCrabs Theatre want to hear what young people aged 14-30 on the Isle of Wight think about theatre, what it could be and what we could do to help. We want to hear your ideas, big and small.

If you’re aged 14–30 and have an interest in theatre and film, what do you think we need? More dance? More drama? More opportunities? More world-class shows?

Tell us what you think by filling out this survey.

Training and support for young people
StoneCrabs Theatre offers training and support for young people wanting to develop their skills in the theatre and film industry through a series of programmes including; Directors in Practice and Island Young Creatives.

Directors in Practice
Directors in Practice is a free, six-month programme for directors and producers, covering a range of topics and hosted by industry professionals.

Each director directs a one-act play of their choosing, while each producer will be given 1-2-1 sessions with industry professionals and will learn how to produce a theatre production from the ground up. The plays will be shown at the Directors In Practice Festival at Omnibus Theatre, London.

Island Young Creatives
Island Young Creatives is a programme that works with young people who have existing theatre-making skills, transferring them into making films.

Participants are taught script-to-screen development and production skills. With a small budget and technical support, they produce their own short film which is then screened here on the Island.

Centre stage for underrepresented voices and untold stories
All programmes and plays developed through StoneCrabs seek to place underrepresented voices and untold stories centre stage and provide enriching accessible cultural experiences that engage with our communities.

Currently in production is a play about the story of Joe Carstairs, known as the ‘fastest woman on the water’ in the 1920s. She was an openly gay, female powerboat racer who spent several years on the Island.

Figueiredo: 20 years of StoneCrabs Theatre
This year, in 2022, we also celebrate 20 years of StoneCrabs Theatre.

Artistic Director, Franko Figueiredo, said,

“20 years of StoneCrabs and the world has changed. The world has evolved. And we have changed too. We have made some progress and yet it’s not enough. And we must continue.

“Here’s to another 20 years of shining a light on untold stories.”

Youth consultation is a necessary part of our work
We are constantly reassessing the need and demand for what can be done to increase skills, job potential and wellbeing. This youth consultation is a necessary part of our work to ensure we are meeting the needs of young people on the Island today.

Free prize draw
By completing the survey, you’ll be automatically entered into a free prize draw and have the opportunity to win one of the following…

  • One year membership to MasterClass (worth £169)
  • £50 Cineworld Gift Card
  • £50 Rapanui Voucher

It will only take a few minutes (10 mins max) to fill out, and in turn, you’ll be helping us shape a better future for theatre on the Isle of Wight for young people.

Find out more
If you want to know more about what we do at StoneCrabs Theatre, check out our Website and Instagram.

Please note, all the results from the survey will be used to help guide our future work and funding applications – all contact details and names will be anonymised.

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