Catch up on our tweets from the full council meeting

If you missed our tweeting from the council chamber tonight of the full council meeting, we’ve embedded it below for you to read now instead.

Brief summary is that everything put to a vote was voted through, questions were asked by members of the public and councillors (separate reports to follow) and it was all over in less than two hours.

They are in reverse order (ie. the most recent at the top).

Coverage of IWC Full council meeting: 17 Oct.12

Storified by · Wed, Oct 17 2012 13:11:41

Whilst leaving County Hall, Cllr Mazillius failed to keep door open for me, leaving it to slam in my face #badmanners #nosurpriseOn The Wight
The ladies of the CP are sharing sweets with Cllr Eddie Giles #howsweet #fullcouncilOn The Wight
Council Leader Cllr Pugh and chief executive Steve Beynon are both chewing their pens #aretheynotpaidenough? #fullcouncilOn The Wight
Pugh says Coastal Centre in Ventnor is worth over £400,000 so they can’t just give it to Ventnor TC. #soldwintergardensfor£1 #fullcouncilOn The Wight
Cllr Welsford asked why the IWC done had done so little to promote the Community Right Challenge as set out in Localism Act. #fullcouncilOn The Wight
Cllr Lumley asked Cllr Pugh for briefing from Director of Resources to allow cllrs to understand longterm implications of council tax freezeOn The Wight
All members voted to accept annual report of the Corporate Parenting Board #fullcouncilOn The Wight
All members voted in favour of Cllr Pugh’s motion to support Armed Forces Community Covenant #full councilOn The Wight
Simon Haytack: GCSE results down by 20% in some schools. What would be done? Cllr Cousins said attend CYP Scrutiny mtg in Nov for answer.On The Wight
Member of the public just asked whether the council supported a referendum on Britain’s position on European Union. #fullcouncilOn The Wight
Dave Miller just asked question to #fullcouncil re SAT results. Pugh claims his figures are selective and show a glass half empty approach.On The Wight
Rep from Federation of Small Businesses making presentation to IW Council for youth employment scheme #fullcouncilOn The Wight

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