Cowes Enterprise College

CEC Trust and Governing Body blame parent complacency on poor results

If you follow our Twitter stream you would’ve seen last night our live coverage of the last full council meeting before the local elections.

At the beginning of the meeting, Cowes resident, Dave Miller, referred to a meeting held in February between the Cowes Enterprise Trust and Governors.

Mr Miller told the chamber he was shocked to read in paperwork for the meeting (embedded below for your convenience) that, “The Trust and Governing Body cited parent complacency in reporting problems as a contributory factor to the poor results of the College.”

Does Local Authority agree?
Mr Miller asked, “As the Local Authority have become involved again since the school went into special measures, does the Local Authority share this opinion?”

Council leader, Cllr David Pugh replied that, “We want to see parents take a much more active interest than they are currently doing so in their children’s education and I’ve got no doubt that the Trust of Cowes Enterprise College made that observation bearing those circumstances in mind.”

The minutes of the meeting (below), which by the way, the content of which were not mentioned at the Parents Council meeting held six days later, make for interesting reading.