County Hall:

Change of responsibilities for senior councillors

This latest news from the Isle of Wight council. Ed

Isle of Wight Council Leader, Jonathan Bacon, has announced a reshuffle of the Isle of Wight Council’s Executive in order to better align the skills of Members with new responsibilities and the wider ambitions and focus of the council.

Of the Executive rearrangement, Councillor Bacon, said:

“We have a good team that works well together for the betterment of the Isle of Wight. These changes to roles and responsibilities will help to better align the work of Executive Members with the council structure, as we seek to manage the challenges faced by the council in the coming months.

“Our biggest challenge remains one of finances, as a result of the cuts and withdrawal of funding imposed upon us by central government. I am therefore taking the step of giving all Executive Members a specific and collective, responsibility for Resources while, as Leader, I will be taking on the lead responsibility for this area myself.”

The new Executive responsibilities are as follows:

Member New role  Former role 
Jonathan Bacon (Leader) Children’s Services and Lead Member for Resources  Children’s Services, Organisational changes and HR 
Phil Jordan  Public Health, Public Protection and PFI  Public Health, Public Protection and PFI 
Stephen Stubbings (Deputy Leader)  Adult Social Care, Integration, Human Resources and Corporate Governance  Adult Social Care, Community Well-being and Corporate Governance 
Shirley Smart  Regeneration, Economy and Public Transport  Economy and Tourism 
Ian Stephens  Tourism, Culture and Heritage  Resources
Luisa Hillard  Sustainability and Organisational Change Sustainability, Environment and Public Realm
Paul Fuller  Planning, Licensing, Public Realm and Local Engagement  Planning and Licensing

Losses and gains
(OnTheWight compiled this following table)

Member Loses  Gains 
Jonathan Bacon Organisational Change and HR  Lead Member for Resources 
Phil Jordan 
Stephen Stubbings  Community Well-being  Integration, Human Resources 
Shirley Smart  Economy and Tourism Regeneration, Economy and Public Transport
Ian Stephens  Resources Tourism, Culture and Heritage
Luisa Hillard  Environment and Public Realm Organisational Change
Paul Fuller  Public Realm and Local Engagement

In addition, a new Group Leaders Forum has been created to enable closer working practices, discussion and understanding between parties about the future demands and challenges of the Isle of Wight Council. This forum will enable Forum Members to receive appropriate briefings on relevant upcoming decisions, for the views of those members to be given due weight and credence at Executive, for all members to be able to propose attributed ideas for wider consideration, and to provide cross-party agreement on key issues where possible.

A Budget and Policy Liaison Group has also been created that will bring together the Chairs of the key policy based Committees. The Group will help to develop and bring forward budget and policy ideas to meet the issues faced by the council collectively.

Councillor Bacon continued:

“I have said for some time that, given the challenges we face as a council, which are becoming acute, we need to actively work together in full knowledge of the situation before us, as a whole Council. This is the only way through the difficulties we face, to achieve the best outcomes and our aspirations for the whole Island.”

These changes will help the council and its Members to better meet its priorities and achieve a vision for the Island to be a great place to live, work and visit.

Image: © Simon Haytack