school classroom with chairs on desks

Change to 2021-22 Isle of Wight school holidays proposed

Isle of Wight school holidays for the next two academic years are due to be agreed when the Isle of Wight Council’s Cabinet meets next week.

A change is proposed to the 2021-22 term calendar to respect the additional bank holiday on Friday 3rd June 2022, which will celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

As the date falls within May half term (30th May-3rd June), an additional day of holiday is proposed on 22nnd December 2021 for Island pupils and teachers, extending the Christmas holiday.

October half term
At the same meeting next Thursday (15th July), the Cabinet is also due to set the school holiday timetable for the following academic year (2022-23). This includes a recommendation to revert back to a one-week October half term, and a two-week Christmas break.

Andre: Look towards the future
Cllr Debbie Andre, who leads on children’s services, education and skills, said,

“After nearly 18 months of a global pandemic, I’m sure Island families will be very keen to be able to look towards the future and plan some precious, quality time with their children.”

The proposed term dates are available on the council’s Website.

News shared by Isle of Wight council press office, in their own words. Ed

Image: -marlith- under CC BY 2.0