newborn baby

Changes put in place for Maternity services at St Mary’s Hospital in light of Coronavirus

Further changes have been made to the maternity services at the Isle of Wight’s only hospital.

The team at St Mary’s Hospital, in Newport, has had to reduce the people coming to and from the ward, including going to scans and births.

Further restrictions imposed
In a post on Facebook, the maternity service said it was sorry to announce, in light of the current Coronavirus situation, further restrictions would be imposed to safeguard women, families and staff.

Only the expectant mother will be allowed to attend appointments, including scans — but patients will be able to video the end of the scan to show their partners.

A free scan photograph is also being offered.

Induced labour
From now on, when a booked induced labour is taking place, the woman should attend on her own. Only when they are in labour can the named birthing partner join them for the birth and initial recovery period.

When attending for a casearean section, the partner can stay and attend the birth before leaving when the woman is transferred to the postnatal ward.

Parents thanks for understanding
The statement said:

“We understand this will cause anxiety and distress to you at this time.

“We will constantly be reviewing the visiting policy and will keep you updated.

“Thank you for your understanding during these difficult times.”

Government Covid-19 guidance: Stay alert and stay safe
Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently (video tips).

Social distancing
It is recommended that you maintain at least a two metre gap (about 6.5ft) from people who are not from your household.

Seeking advice
Use the NHS 111 online coronavirus service that can tell if you need medical help and advise you what to do.

This article is from the BBC’s LDRS (Local Democracy Reporter Service) scheme, which OnTheWight is taking part in. Some alterations and additions may be been made by OnTheWight. Ed

Image: jimmy conover under CC BY 2.0