Chillerton and Rookley Primary School

Chillerton and Rookley Primary School: Recommendations published ahead of Cabinet meeting (update 2)

Despite delays and further community consultation, the Isle of Wight Council is still looking to close Chillerton and Rookley Primary School.

A recommended decision has been published, ahead of Cabinet’s final consideration next week, to close the rural primary school by 31st August and send pupils to its sister school in Godshill.

Uncertain future
The school’s future has been uncertain for over a year, but now leading Cabinet members will be told closing Chillerton and amalgamating in Godshill will reduce surplus places and support the ongoing provision of high-quality education.

Dwindling pupil numbers and monetary pressures at both the rural schools led the Stenbury Federation original request.

Second consultation
A decision was paused in May 2021, when the new Alliance administration took control of the local authority.

The authority’s second consultation – which ran for six-weeks from October – received 233 responses and according to the cabinet papers, 32 per cent of those who answered online opted for the Chillerton closure.

Free school or academy sponsor
A quarter preferred securing a free school or academy as a sponsor — something the Island Free School said it was ‘open to discussions’ about, after being approached by the campaign to save the school.

For that to happen, the primary school would need to leave the Stenbury Federation.

Andre: Cabinet will now consider the outcomes of the consultation carefully
Cllr Debbie Andre, Cabinet member for children’s services, education and lifelong skills, said,

“When I first came into post last May, I gave the commitment that we would look afresh at all the issues we had inherited from the previous administration, including the future of Chillerton and Rookley Primary School and Godshill Primary School.

“I took this endeavour very seriously and I have fulfilled this commitment by going out to public consultation with a full range of options.

“I would like to express my thanks to everyone who has taken the time to engage in this consultation. Cabinet will now consider the outcomes of the consultation carefully and decide the next steps we need to take.”

Ellis: There are alternatives to closure
Cllr Suzie Ellis, Conservative councillor for Central Rural, told News OnTheWight,

“Since being elected as the Isle of Wight councillor for Central Rural last May, I have had many discussions about the future of the school with local residents and the parish council.

“As the report sets out, there are significant financial challenges facing the school, and there is no easy solution to these if it stays open.

“Having said that, I would like the Cabinet to carefully consider the various options set out in the report, particularly those that would enable a school to remain on the site in Chillerton. Whilst the officer recommendation is for closure, there are alternatives. It has always been my preference for the school to stay open, if at all possible.

“Local residents and other interested parties are welcome to get in touch with me about this matter. I would be happy to raise any issues or questions ahead of the Cabinet decision, or at the meeting. I can be contacted on [email protected]

‘Significant financial deficit’
The Isle of Wight Council says finding a sponsor who is prepared to take the small school on with such a ‘significant financial deficit’ is unlikely.

The overall deficit of Chillerton and Rookley Primary school currently stands at £80,374.

Cabinet will have the final say about the school’s future at its meeting on Thursday, 10th February.

Article edit
4.30pm 2nd Feb 2022 – Comment from Cllr Ellis added
4.32pm 2nd Feb 2022 – Comment from Cllr Andre added

This article is from the BBC’s LDRS (Local Democracy Reporter Service) scheme, which News OnTheWight is taking part in. Some alterations and additions may have been made by OnTheWight. Ed