Controversial Mosquito On Trial On The Island

Controversial Mosquito On Trial On The IslandIt’s somewhat surprising to read that the IW council are trialling the ultra-sonic teenage deterrent, Mosquito, on the Wight.

There’s been a lot of controversy over the use of Mosquito around the UK, with some claiming it being a great success, but a lot of younger people claiming that it’s a hammer to crack a nut, not differentiating between sweet, lovely youth and ‘orrid ‘erberts.

The manufacturer’s site tells us that it only becomes annoying to those under 25 if they remain within hearing distance for more than a few minutes, with trials finding that the teenagers move away from the area within 5-10 minutes.

The device is not on permanently, but is switched on remotely, staying on for 20 minutes at a time.

What does it sound like?
For those of us who don’t know what it sounds like, or have passed the tender age of 25, the BBC has a very short video demonstrating it.

Although the BBC example is pretty quiet, by way of understanding how loud they are, compared things we might know, here a chart

– Near total silence – 0 dB
– A whisper – 15 dB
– Normal conversation – 60 dB
– Mosquito Mark II Standard (M-85) – 85 dB
– A lawnmower – 90 dB
– Mosquito Mark II Maximum Volume (M-100) – 100 dB
– A car horn – 110 dB
– A rock concert or a jet engine – 120 dB
– Mosquito Mark II Law Enforcement (M-130) – 130 dB
– A gunshot or firecracker – 140 dB

Where is the Island one located?
The Council has declined to say where the trial is. Anyone hears (pun intended) where the trial is going on? Do get in touch, we’d love to hear about your experience.

The CP has a quote from Stuart Love (perhaps tragically named on this occasion?), Director of environment and neighbourhoods, who told them, “The IW Council is currently trialling one Mosquito unit at a location where previous measures to reduce anti-social behaviour had proved ineffective.”

Military extremes
The US military have been researching sound weapon for quite a while, they rather charmingly call it a non-lethal acoustic devices.

There are other developments in the sound weapon world too. A company called Inferno have a product that’s been labelled a Puke Ray. The description of the experience is somewhat strong.