County Hall’s Full Council opposed controversial plans to close five primary schools, in a blow to the Isle of Wight Council’s cabinet yesterday evening (Wednesday).
Though not having decision-making power over whether the schools remain open or not, full council’s vote expresses its view on the contentious agenda currently being pursued by Councillor Jonathan Bacon (Alliance) and his fellow cabinet members.
A final closures decision will be taken by the cabinet on 6th March 2025.
Narrowly voted against the issuing of closure notices
Last night councillors narrowly voted against the issuing of closure notices for Arreton St George’s CE Primary School, Brading CE Primary School, Cowes Primary School, Oakfield CE Primary School and Wroxall Primary School, in a non-binding advisory ballot.
A total of 12 members voted against the notices, compared to 11 in favour and six abstentions.
Process backed
In contrast however, the chamber did opt to back the process followed in reaching a decision on the proposed closures, with 16 in favour and 13 opposed.
Brading: We are still in a live consultation
Councillor Paul Brading (Con), who spearheaded the process vote, said,
“We are still in a live consultation. All the comments, and indeed from the gallery this evening, mention the process followed to get to the decision that is proposed to be made, one way or the other.
“Therefore, as we are purely advising on the current consultation and guiding cabinet, and with all the queries raised about the process followed, internally and externally, I think it’s absolutely right that we focus the time we’ve got this evening on the process.”
The representative for Lake South voted for the process but abstained on the notices.
Garratt: Ensuring the process is fair
Councillor Andrew Garratt, leader of the Isle of Wight Liberal Democrats, said,
“Ultimately, it comes down to whether the informed stakeholders that we repeatedly hear from the gallery and through our emails and other fora are satisfied that the process is fair, even if they dislike the outcome.
“Nothing suggests to me these people, who are well informed about their schools and their communities and the children that attend those schools, are confident in any way in the process.
“And therefore, we as their elected representatives should stop that process and begin again and do it right.”
Councillor Garratt and his Liberal Democrat colleagues opposed both the process and notices.
Councillor Geoff Brodie (Ind Lab) accused the Liberal Democrat group of being “populist”, “playing to the gallery” and not knowing how to make “hard decisions” to which Councillor Nick Stuart responded: “point of order!”
Brodie: We have an excess of places – that has an effect on every school
Councillor Brodie said,
“I don’t think there’s any doubt that place planning, surplus places need to be dealt with. They should have been dealt with some time ago.
“We have an excess of places – that has an effect on every school. Let’s face it – doesn’t matter which schools are on the list – there’ll be a campaign against it. We all know that, that’s the real world.”
The representative for Pan and Barton backed the process, but voted against the notices.
His original bid for votes on each of the notices was amended to one single vote on all of them.
Cabinet report
A report presented to the cabinet prior to its 12th December vote to press ahead with the closures cited decreasing numbers of primary pupils on the Island, described the consequences of having too many surplus places as ‘severe’ and recommended closures due to a ‘significant reduction’ in Isle of Wight birth rates.
It said action was proposed to ensure ‘demand and capacity are aligned’ so the council continues to provide the ‘best outcomes’ for children.
“The main impact on schools of surplus places due to falling rolls is the resulting reduction in individual school income, which without a corresponding reduction in costs, results in a deterioration in the school’s overall finances.”
County Hall’s statutory consultation on the closures will end on 3rd February.
This article is from the BBC’s LDRS (Local Democracy Reporter Service) scheme, which News OnTheWight is taking part in. Some alterations and additions may have been made by OnTheWight. Ed