Could you be a puppy parent volunteer?

Carol from fantastic charity Ability Dogs 4 Young People has been in touch with another appeal for puppy foster parents. Ed

We’re struggling to find enough puppy parents on the Island to love, care for and help train our puppies.

Without the valuable services of volunteer puppy parents we will be unable to train enough puppies to help disabled young people on the Isle of Wight.

Please can you ask round all your friends.

Giving a valued gift
The most usual worry people have is that they will not be able to ‘give the puppy up’. Tell them it is not about giving up a puppy, more about giving a valued gift to a deserving disabled young person on the Island, a gift which will help to change their lives and give them confidence and independence.

Please contact me on 781 267 2702 if you are able to help.

More info about the charity on our website.