Council Adopts New Carbon Management Plan

This in from the council, in their own words. Ed

A new plan setting out how the Isle of Wight Council will dramatically reduce its carbon footprint in the coming five years has been adopted by the authority.

The plan outlines how the authority will reduce its carbon emissions by 30 percent in that time – a six percent annual reduction that should save the council around £785,000 over the five year period.

Replacing the 2007 plan
The new document will replace a carbon management plan adopted in 2007. The successor document contains more detailed information on how the reduction will take place and also takes into account factors such as the council’s dramatic reduction in the amount of buildings it will be operating from.

Projects within the plan will be reviewed annually to ensure that new opportunities are incorporated and that the benefits of any successful trials of new technology can be maximised. The plan also raises the target annual carbon reduction from four to six percent.

“Help us to actually deliver tangible results”
Cllr George Brown, IW Council cabinet member responsible for the economy and the environment, said: “This new plan will build on many of the principles established in the 2007 plan but outlines in far greater detail how we will achieve these reductions.

“This more detailed approach will make it easier for us to measure our success in reducing our carbon footprint.

“The initial plan was useful in focussing our minds on carbon reduction but the new document will help us to actually deliver tangible results that will save the council money and also help us make a real contribution to helping to reduce the Island’s carbon footprint.

“While the Island community continues to embrace the environmental agenda though initiatives like the Eco Island Partnership, we as a major organisation need to ensure we continue to do our bit to reduce our footprint.”

Cllr Brown said another key element of the 2007 plan – having a designated officer to manage the council’s energy and carbon output – would also help the authority deliver the new targets.

The plan is embedded below for your convenience

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