
Council to consider closer partnership with NHS for adult health and social care

This in from the council, in their own words. Ed

The Isle of Wight Council and the Isle of Wight NHS Trust are taking a substantial step towards integration of Health and Social Care Services on the Island.

A paper is due to be considered by the Isle of Wight Council Executive on Tuesday 9 December 2014, recommending that the council further develops partnership working around joint provision of health and social care services for adults.

Burbage: Driving “a culture of continuous improvement”
The Isle of Wight Council, Isle of Wight NHS and the Isle of Wight Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) agreed its intentions in April 2014 as set out in the Five Year Vision for Health and Social care.

Dave Burbage, Managing Director, Isle of Wight Council said:

“It is felt essential that if a truly integrated approach is to be achieved then services need to be led and managed under single line management with a pooled budget and agreed joint outcomes.

“Adult Social Care and Community Health Services will be integrated within three localities on the Island, using a phased approach, and the Isle of Wight Council will enter into a Strategic Partnership with the IOW NHS Trust around this provision. This will drive a culture of continuous improvement that is inclusive and supportive, creating opportunities for partners and staff to work across traditional health and social care boundaries.

“If the Executive approves the plans set out in the report then feedback will be sought from a range of key stakeholders, including representatives of people who use services and their carers.”

Coordinated care and support
Karen Baker, Chief Executive at Isle of Wight NHS Trust said:

“Our vision is for integrated health and social care teams, the integrated teams will be working closely with GPs, the voluntary sector and independent providers in the localities and the intention will be that the integrated teams will deliver coordinated care and support.”

Councillor Steve Stubbings, Executive member for adult social care at the Isle of Wight Council, said:

“With the Island’s increasingly ageing population and costs of caring for our most vulnerable residents growing, we need to look at different ways of working to provide the best care for our residents, as efficiently as possible. By pooling resources and expertise with our colleagues in the NHS we will be able to organise and manage services more effectively.”

My Life A Full Life Programme
There has been discussion with a wide range of stakeholders as part of the My Life A Full Life Programme.

In addition, local plans are being developed for the local implementation of the Better Care Fund, which is a single pooled budget being introduced from 1 April next year by the government to support the integration of health and social care services.

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Image: Flazingo.com under CC BY 2.0