Council Highlights The Danger of Tombstoning

This in from the council, in their own words. Ed

Isle of Wight Council is sending out a warning to people who risk serious injury by diving off local piers or rocks into the sea.

During the summer months, people are often seen taking part in an activity called ‘tombstoning’ where people jump from heights into the water.

Serious injuries documented from tombstoning
Not only is this illegal in many parts of the Island, such as Ryde Harbour and Cowes due to local bylaws, it is well documented many people have suffered serious injuries. This includes being paralysed for life.

Many areas across the Island only have shallow water, often under two metres in depth at high tide. Shallow waters often hide jagged rocks which can cause serious injury. The council works closely with Hampshire Constabulary to identify anyone who is seen taking part in tombstoning.

Parents are being encouraged to remind their children of the dangers of tombstoning, and advice has already been sent to schools before the summer holidays begin in late July.

Image: psd under CC BY 2.0