Stay away from beaches sign

Council urges caution visiting beaches and esplanades – and asks second home owners to stay away

Despite the easing of lockdown restrictions the clear advice from the Isle of Wight Council is still that holidaymakers and second home owners should stay away.

Although the prime minister’s recent announcement said people could drive as far as they wanted for daily exercise outdoors, Mr Johnson later clarified:

“We don’t want to see people – let me repeat – we don’t want to see people travelling to another home for a holiday or a second home.”

The leader of the Isle of Wight Council, Dave Stewart, reinforced this advice and urged Islanders to maintain the two-metre social distancing rule when outside over the bank holiday weekend.

Stewart: Priority to protect our Island community
Councillor Stewart said,

“The move to a new phase in the national response to coronavirus is best summed up in the new message from the prime minister to “Stay Alert: Control the Virus and Save Lives.

“It remains the council’s priority to protect our Island community in the best way that we can.

“To that end we want people living on the Island to be safe and alert when visiting popular locations like beaches and esplanades – observe social distancing and try to not to visit at busy times.

“And the message for those on the mainland who may be thinking of visiting us is: ‘Please stay away at this time – it is not yet safe for us or for you to come to the Island. We will tell you when it is safe to do so’.”

News shared by the Isle of Wight council, in their own words. Ed

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