freshwater traffic restriction

Councillor responds to claims of ‘draconian traffic proposals’

A public meeting is being held at Dimbola Museum and Galleries today (Tuesday at 4pm) to discuss what the Chair of the Julia Margaret Cameron Trust calls “draconian traffic proposals that will kill off visitor parking“.

Brian Hinton claims the “whole thing seems to have been cooked up in secret by the local ward councillor John Medland”.

Concerns can be aired at meeting
In response to a letter published by Dr Hinton last week, OnTheWight got in touch with Cllr Medland for a response.

He told us,

“There is a lot of correspondence about this and Brian Hinton has organised a public meeting at 4pm Tuesday at Dimbola where I hope all these concerns can be aired.

“The parking outside the Piano and St Agnes’ is not affected. Dimbola has its own private parking in Terrace Lane and the loading and unloading of coaches on Gate Lane is not restricted by the new order.”

Cllr Medland shared the documents relating to the proposals (see below).

All year round restriction
He went on to explain,

“I initially welcomed the parking order as since I was elected there has been no parking enforcement in these streets at all due to contradictory signage.

“However I think there is a case for shifting the area of restricted parking to further assist Dimbola, the Piano, St Agnes and Orchards and I am unsure why the restriction is all year round and all day when it only needs to be from May to October in working hours? Who would enforce the night time restriction?”

Will collect evidence at meeting
Cllr Medland finished by saying,

“I plan to attend the meeting at Dimbola to collect as much evidence as possible to report to County Hall so that after the consultation the final traffic order is as practical as possible.”

All affected by the traffic order are welcome to attend the meeting and share their views.