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Cowes Enterprise College ranked top on Isle of Wight for GCSE results

Cowes Enterprise College has been ranked by the Government as the top performing school on the Island for the second consecutive year, for the progress made by its students.

In national league tables released by the Department for Education, Cowes Enterprise College’s confirmed Progress 8 score – which measures improvement from Year 7 to Year 11 across eight subjects, including key academic subjects – was a score of 0.12

Commenting on the confirmed secondary school league tables results, Principal Rachel Kitley said:

“We are delighted that our students have once again performed so strongly in their GCSE examinations. As a result, Cowes Enterprise College has for the second year been ranked by the Government as the highest performing secondary school on the Island for progress at GCSE.

“The revised GCSE tables published highlight our success in maintaining a positive ‘Progress 8’ score, which measures the progress our students make across the curriculum during their time with us.

“These strong results showcase the positive difference we are continuing to make for the young people we serve, and are a demonstration of our success in maintaining these high standards. We look forward to building on this year’s achievements.”

News shared by Eve on behalf of Cowes Enterprise College. Ed

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